Equipment and Educational Materials

Some of these may be recommended to aid in your recovery.

Lumbar Roll

The Original McKenzie Lumbar Roll is recommended for proper spine alignment and posture while sitting. It is versatile and can be attached to any type of chair with a back rest and will most often be used in an office chair and in the car.


Slimline Lumbar Roll

This is a modified Lumbar Roll that provides the same benefit as the original, however, it is intended for people who cannot quite tolerate the size of the original roll. It is often used initially to treat acute back pain, and, once mobility improves, you can graduate to the full roll design.


Cervical Roll

The Original McKenzie Cervical Roll provides neck support while promoting healthy and natural sleeping habits on the side or back. It is placed under your pillowcase, over the pillow and placed in the natural curve of your neck. No matter which position you sleep in, it will provide comfortable support.


Treat Your Own Back 

This is a best-selling book on back pain self-treatment. It is a quick read and very intuitive. This book contains easy-to-read content, photos, education and clinically proven exercises for relief and prevention of back pain. It will be a valuable complement to PT and will also be a helpful future reference.


Treat Your Own Neck

This book will be a useful adjunct to your PT treatments. It offers a step-by-step guide to self treatment of neck pain through awareness, education, and exercises. This comprehensive system for neck self-management provides relief and prevention of common neck pain and injury.


Why Do I Hurt?

Studies show patients who have been educated about the neuroscience of pain are able to function better, exercise more and experience less pain. This book teaches you about the neuroscience of pain in approachable language with metaphors, examples and images. 


Grip-Free Pulley

Often times a pulley system is used to improve shoulder range of motion. This grip-free design offers fully passive shoulder range of motion with completely relaxed muscles.


Foam Rollers

Foam rollers offer a variety of uses and benefits, including self massage/ myofascial release. When used properly they can help to release tension, break up tight tissues, soothe sore muscles and help promote tissue recovery after exercise.


Soft Foam Rollers

Offers similar benefits to a regular foam roller, but with a softer foam density. This offers improved tolerance for especially tight joints and muscles.


Exercise Ball

This exercise ball comes in six sizes and allows users to perform a variety of core strength and stability exercises. Benefits of use include improved flexibility and range of motion, as well as improved balance, core strength, muscular coordination and stability.


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Grand Marais, MN 55604, US

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     Current as of October 2023

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